During March 2020, it was an honour and a privilege for SSBT to be invited by Stay Wild to talk to the children at Lau Damak school. The children were very keen to get involved in discussion about the wildlife that lives and breathes right on their doorstep. With their district bordering the wildlife hotspot of Sumatra; the Gunung Leuser National Park they were very interested in learning about the Sun Bears and other wildlife that live there.

The Founder of SSBT presented the children with bi-lingual information brochures that explained the benefits of Sun Bears in their natural forests. We took along some prepared colouring pages, donated books, coloured pencils and laminated informative picture pages on wild animals of the world. The bi-lingual brochures could be taken home so that their parents can see what the children have learnt and we hope that both children and parents will be more inclined to want to help preserve this species.

We have been given feed-back since visiting the children that they are now keen to help this little known species. This gives us hope that we are on the right track.
